kuiper kuşağı asteroid kuşağı
The asteroid belt is a torus shaped region in the solar system located roughly between the orbits of the planets jupiter and mars it contains a great many solid irregularly shaped bodies of many sizes but much smaller than planets called asteroids or minor planets this asteroid belt is also called the main asteroid belt or main belt to distinguish it from other asteroid populations in the. Like asteroid belt it has also been shaped by a giant planet although it s more of a thick disk like a donut than a thin belt. Roma mitolojisindeki savaş tanrısı mars a ithafen adlandırılmıştır.
Yüzeyindeki yaygın demir oksitten dolayı kızılımsı bir görünüme sahip olduğu için kızıl gezegen de denir.
Kuiper kuşağı asteroid kuşağı. Mars güneş sistemi nin güneş ten itibaren dördüncü gezegeni.